Import or create a lineup configuration file
The Switch to TS feature is based on a lineup (json file) that lists the configuration of all the possible sources. It includes all the parameters needed to capture the source: multicast address and port, input streams, etc. This configuration is unique per Controller instance and is accessible by all Live Encoding services of that instance.
You can either create a lineup and import it or create a lineup from scratch.
Create a lineup configuration file
To create a lineup file, follow these steps:
Select Settings from the left-side menu panel to expand and display menu options.
Select Live service lineup from the drop-down menu list. The Live service lineup page is displayed.
Click the +Add button. The following window is displayed:
Enter and/or select the appropriate value for each parameter. See Live service lineup parameters for more details.
Click Ok to validate. You will reuse this lineup to configure alternate live sources.
Import an existing lineup configuration file
Before you start, ensure you created a json configuration file and named it dynamicLive.json.
To import an existing lineup configuration file, follow these steps:
Select Settings from the left-side menu panel to expand and display menu options.
Select Live service lineup from the drop-down menu list. The Live service lineup page is displayed.
To import a JSON file, click Import then browse to select a service lineup (JSON file). The service IDs configured in the lineup are displayed.
In the Actions column, you can click the button to display or edit each service parameters. You will reuse this lineup to configure alternate live sources.