The Controller is designed to address today’s key operational challenges: optimize time to market, reduce operational complexity, manage changing environments and cost control.
The Controller is built upon the following principles:
- A centralized configuration and control for a whole family of MediaKind microservices-based products, that provides an immediate overview of an entire head-end system.
- A service-driven approach for configuration, control and monitoring providing a more relevant granularity than the one given at device level.
- A flexibility of service allocation: selection of the resource, combined with a floating licensing model. A solution that allows production teams to leverage preparation activities in the lab, and during pre-production using Template mechanisms.
- A microservices design matching different deployment patterns, from a single stand-alone node to a distributed and redundant configuration.
- A new web UI applicable for all supported products, with embedded help solutions aiming at reducing training investment.
Access via REST API is also provided to offer network integration capabilities.