Configuration parameters
On-Demand Packaging

On-Demand packaging

Below are the parameters accessed in the On-Demand Packaging service settings.

On-Demand Asset

NameAsset name
Access URLPortion of the complete access URL that defines the asset.
Source URLLocation of the manifest file of the source asset (i.e. the MPD file).<br>Can be either a 'file://' URL for locally accessible assets or an 'http(s)://' URL for assets located in Azure Blob Storage.
Network name for POISIdentifier to use in communication with the POIS.
Default content IDContent ID to use by default for this asset.
ParametersParameter Key: Key is composed of the parameters mapping key value followed by one of the overloadable parameters (refer to user guide for complete list).
Parameter Value: Parameter value that will override value of the associated parameter in the output configuration.