CCMS (file)

Prisma supports ingest of CCMS ad schedules files (.SCH). This file is generally generated by a T&B System (Traffic & Billing System).

.SCH files follow a strict filename structure, as well as file structure.

Filename structure

.SCH files follow the following structure: MDDNNHHH.SCH

File name partitionDefinitionExample
MMonth of intended airing – hexadecimal format, from 1 to C1 = January C = December
DDDay of month of intended airing – decimal format, from 01 to 31-
NNIdentifies the network within a single headend – numeric format, from 01 to 99 (01 to U9 with extensions).18
P8 (258 in decimal)
HHHNumeric representation of the headend/zone, range from 001 to 99944

Filename example: 822P8044.sch

Ad Schedule structure

Ad schedule files are organized in records (one line per record), and contain 24 hours of data, from midnight to midnight. Each field of a record is determined by its byte position. An example (subset) of .SCH file is given below:

Example: C2401002.sch

REM Schedule file for channel 1, TLC for 12/24/96 (C2401002.sch)
LOI 1224 085900 0829 0100 001 001 000030 000000 00000000 000 00000002303 0000
LOI 1224 085930 0829 0100 001 002 000030 000000 00000000 000 00000234500 0000
LOI 1224 095900 0929 0100 002 001 000030 000000 00000000 000 00000015601 0000
LOI 1224 095930 0929 0100 002 002 000030 000000 00000000 000 00000002303 0000
LOI 1224 105900 1029 0100 003 001 000030 000000 00000000 000 00000234500 0000

A description of the different fields is provided in the following table:

Field #NameBytes positionDescription
1Event Type1-3 (3 chars)Type of event defined by record: LOI: Local Originated Insertion REM: Remark, no action END: Last record (optional) NUL: Ignore break cue
2Scheduled date5-8 (4 chars)Date when the event will occur Format: MMDD e.g.: 1025
3Scheduled time10-15 (6 chars)T&B’s approximate time of the day the event will occur Format: HHMMSS e.g.: 131545
4Window start time17-20 (4 chars)Time of the day the opportunity becomes eligible for evaluation Format: HHMM
5Window duration22-25 (4 chars)Duration during which the opportunity remains eligible Format: HHMM
6Break number within window27-29 (3 chars)Break number within the window of opportunity. Valid break starts at 001
7Position number within break31-33 (3 chars)Position within the ad break Valid position starts at 001
8Scheduled length 35-40(6 chars)Scheduled event length Format: HHMMSS
9Actual aired time42-47 (6 chars)Actual aired time of day Format: HHMMSS
10Actual aired length49-56 (8 chars)Actual aired length Format: HHMMSSCC
11Actual aired position within break58-60 (3 chars) 
12Spot identification62-72 (11 chars)T&B’s spot identification code.
13Completion status code74-77 (4 chars)Completion status code
14Advertiser name79-110 (32 chars)Optional - Advertiser’s name as defined in the T&B
15Advertiser spot name112-131 (20 chars)Optional - Advertiser’s spot name as defined in the T&B
16Schedule/Fill133-136 (4 chars)Optional - Identifies the spot being: - Contractually scheduled (sch.) - Used as filler (Fill)

Import a .SCH file

To configure .SCH import, follow these steps:

  1. Add a Viewing Policy Manager service.

  2. Configure a name.

  3. In the Input tab, select CCMS (file) as Import type.

  4. Enter and/or select the appropriate value for each parameter:

    Provider IDThis field is used to identify the content provider.
    Example: FOX
    Time zoneDefine the time zone of the ingested schedule file.
  5. Click Save and exit to save and finalize your service configuration and go back to the Services page.

  6. Assign a server to run your service to start the service.

  7. To load your .SCH file, click on the top right corner of the input tab page then click the Import SCH File (CCMS) button;

  8. Select your .SCH file then click Ok to validate.

    Once loaded, events will be displayed in the timeline, grouping records belonging to the same ad break within a single viewing policy. A stream conditioning service can then be configured to access these events normalized in SCTE-224 and convert them into ESAM-based control.

CCMS (Watch folder)

Watch folder directories must be created during installation (please refer to Installation guides).

  1. Add a Viewing Policy Manager service.

  2. Configure a name.

  3. In the Input tab, select CCMS watch folder as Import type.

  4. Enter and/or select the appropriate value for each parameter:

    Provider IDThis field is used to identify the content provider.
    Time zoneDefine the time zone of the ingested schedule file.
    Watch folder periodDefine the period when the VPM checks the watch folder for new files.
    Example: 60 sec