Configuration parameters

Job parameters

ServiceThe name of the service associated to this job.
IdThe id associated to this job. If left blank then an id is automatically generated and assigned to the job.
NameThe name associated to this job. The name displays in the list of jobs.
PriorityThe priority associated to this job. Priority determines how the job is managed and run in relation to available resources and other jobs.
Input fileThe input file absolute path, FTP, SFTP, S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Service) or URL using http or https for the asset associated to this job.Example file paths:
Publishing pointEnter the file path or the URL using HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or SFTP to create for this job a publishing point different than the one defined at the service level. Example file paths:

Advanced settings

Start timeYou can define a specific start time for the input file (asset). No start time means that the start takes place at the begining of the asset.Example format:
End timeYou can define a specific end time for the input file (asset). No end time means that the end takes place at the end of the asset.Example format:
DAI metadataEnter the DAI metadata to describe splice points. Either select a preformatted XML file that will be encoded to base64 once uploaded, or paste the base64 data directly into the text field. The expected content shall comply with the OC-SP-ESAM-API-I03-131025 specification