Viewing Policy Manager

The Viewing Policy Manager service is designed to ingest program event data (ESNI-I02, SCTE-224, .CSV file, etc.) and normalize them using the SCTE-224 data model. can then access the list of SCTE-224 events and map corresponding controls at the audio/video headend level (such as encoder control using ESAM, for instance).

To configure the ingest of programming events schedules, proceed as follows:

  • Click Add service.
  • Select Viewing Policy Manager processing type.
  • Configure a Name for this schedule ingest service. It shall be unique across the different services of same type.
  • Select the Import type from the drop-down list.

Prisma normalizes all program event data ingested by storing them using the SCTE-224 data model. The table below summarizes the items one needs to configure depending on the selected import type:

Import typeItems to configure
BXFMedia, Audiences, Viewing policies, Policies
Playout (ADC100)Media, Audiences, Viewing policies, Policies
Manual configurationMedia

* SCTE-224 mapping automatically configured

Regardless of the type of ingest, media points are created automatically (based on ingested time schedule for instance). A media point is an SCTE-224 structure which defines when a given event for instance is triggered (based on timing information and/or SCTE-35 matching criteria), and the policy being applied or removed.
SCTE-224 samples are available in Examples.