Configure encoding

Encoding parameters are applied during processing.

Edit encoding

Newly added services use default encoding settings so the service is launch-ready. These encoding settings require edition to match encoding needs.

  1. Click to edit a service.

  2. Click the Encoding tab to display the encoding settings.

  3. Click to edit an encoding option, or add encodings.

  4. Save configurations.

Add a logo to the video

A logo can be inserted within the video as well as its display option, such as placement, size and horizontal and vertical gaps.

  1. Click Add logo.

  2. Configure the parameters, then click Apply.

  3. Save configurations.

Add a video encoding

Video encoding is set of video encoding configuration options applied to a video. For example, resolution, rate control, bit rate, etc.

  1. Click Add video... The video encoding options display.

  2. Configure the parameters, then click Apply.

  3. Configure this new video stream in output settings.

  4. Save configurations.

Add an audio encoding

An audio encoding is set of audio configuration options applied to an audio component. For example, channel mode, Codec, etc.

  1. Click Add audio... The audio encoding options display.

  2. Configure parameters, then click Apply. The encoding is listed in the Encoding tab.

  3. Configure this new audio stream in output settings.

  4. Save configurations.

Add metadata encoding

Before you start, ensure that at least one metadata input is configured.

  1. Click Add metadata... The metadata encoding parameters display.

  2. Configure parameters, then click Apply. The encoding is listed in the Encoding tab.

  3. Configure this new metadata in output settings.

  4. Save configurations.

Add a subtitle encoding

Before you start, ensure that at least one subtitle Input is configured.

This step does not apply for extracted subtitles (teletext and closed caption).

  1. Click Add subtitle... The subtitle encoding options display.

  2. Configure parameters, then click Apply. The encoding is listed in the Encoding tab.

  3. Configure this new subtitle in output settings.

  4. Save configurations.