Configure placement

Configure placement

Placement management is PRISMA Stream Personalization core function. Based on placement opportunity detection (in-manifest SCTE-35 information) and viewer request, Stream Personalization takes the decision to connect to a given Ad server or Alternate Content Decision Server (PRISMA Viewing Policy Manager acting as ACDS).

The workflow can be summarized as follows:

  1. A client makes a request for a HLS/DASH or HSS manifest to the CDN.
  2. CDN routes manifest request to Stream Personalization.
  3. Stream Personalization fetches the source manifest (if not already in cache).
  4. In case a valid placement opportunity is detected as part of the source manifest:
    • Stream Personalization builds placement request leveraging in-manifest SCTE-35 information and viewer request information (query parameters, HTTP headers).
    • Placement request is routed to the right endpoint depending on configured routing policies

An illustration is given hereafter, showing three different ad servers Stream Personalization may route the placement request to, as well as PRISMA viewing policy manager acting as Alternate content decision server for blackout or live to live switching policies.

Managing placement with Stream Personalization Managing placement with Stream Personalization