Configure behavior on ADS response

Stream Personalization implements fallback/error management functionalities depending on the workflow: linear (open manifests with real-time constraint) versus non-linear (closed manifests).

The following errors are managed at Stream Personalization level when connecting to a given ad server:

  • ADS time-out: the AD server took too much time to respond.
  • VAST/VMAP or SCTE-130-3 invalid response.

To configure error management behavior depending on the workflow, follow these steps:

  1. You have started configuring the ad decision server general parameters.

  2. Go to the Behavior on ADS response tab.

  3. Enter the appropriate value for each parameter:

    1. Non-linear

      On errorupon ADS error, choose between the following available options:
      - Keep original: content is not modified.
      - Truncate: ad breaks delineated using SCTE-35 markers are stripped out.
      On empty responseUpon empty response from the ad server (no ads). Choose between Keep original or Truncate (same as above).

    2. Linear

      On errorupon ADS error, choose between the following available options:
      - Keep original: content is not modified.
      - Pad: replace ad spot/ad break with content padding (usually a repeated small chunk of 1 second for instance). When selecting Pad, you need to specify where this padding is fetched from.
      On empty responseUpon empty response from the ad server (no ads). Choose between Keep original or Pad (same as above).
      Decision adjustment methodWhen the ad assets do not meet the requirements in terms of duration, choose the behaviour between the following available options:
      - None: no adjustment performed.
      - Pad: fill the ad with padding when the ad returned is too small.
      - Loop: repeat the ad or ad break until we exit the placement opportunity.
      - Return to Live: return to live. Only available in HLS.
  4. If you selected Pad, new parameters are displayed to configure padding/ad filler:

    Source URLManifest source URL of the padding/filler asset.
    Distribution URLDistribution URL of the padding/filler asset.