Manage Stream Personalization plugins

Stream Personalization is aimed at interfacing with a variety of external components: Ad decision servers, packagers/CDN (for source manifest retrieval), third-party analytics tools, etc.

To facilitate interoperability, Stream Personalization uses plugins to extend capabilities. For example, Stream Personalization leverages a set of MediaKind plugins for ad break detection (MediaKind uses EXT-X-CUE-OUT/SPAN/IN tags). Should a packager use a different syntax, a new plug-in can be added to manage such interoperability.

The same concept applies for connection to ad server leveraging VAST/VMAP protocol. Those plugins can be customized to manage a multitude of purposes and contexts.

Plugins (standard installation)

Should you face any interoperability issue with a certain packager, Ad decision server using SCTE130-3 or VAST, please contact your local MediaKind representative.

Stream Personalization includes the following plugins by default upon first installation:

Plug-in nameTypeDescription
VASTADSDefines how Stream personalization will process VAST response from a VAST-compliant ADS server.
VMAPADSDefines how Stream personalization will process VMAP response from a VAST-compliant ADS server.
SCTE-130-3ADSDefines how Stream personalization will interoperate with SCTE-130-3 compliant ADS server.
SCTE-224ADSDefines how Stream Personalization will interoperate with SCTE-224 compliant alternate content decision server (ACDS).
MediaKindPOISDefines ad markers formatting within HLS, DASH or HSS manifests. This plug-in meets requirement with MediaKind packager. Any packager signaling ad markers differently will require a dedicated plug-in.
BEACON trackingMetadata (hls)Defines how Stream Personalization formats tracking URLs using #EXT-X-BEACON tag within HLS manifests
EXT-X-DATERANGE trackingMetadata (hls)Defines how Stream Personalization formats tracking URLs using #EXT-X-DATERANGE tag within HLS manifests
ID3 TXXX trackingMetadata (hls)Defines ID3 tags formatting when embedding tracking events as part of HLS output
Google AnalyticsAnalyticsEnables publishing of ad impressions tracking and manifest access compatible with Google Analytics
MediaKind Analytics EngineAnalyticsEnables publishing of ad impressions tracking and manifest access compatible with MediaKind Analytics
SourcesourceThis plug-in defines which query parameter (from manifest request) shall be passed to the packager
Source VSPPsourceThis plug-in defines which query parameter (from manifest request) shall be passed to VSPP packager

Display, add, delete Plugins

To display, add, or delete Plugins, follow these steps:

  1. Select Settings from the left-side menu panel.

  2. Select Stream Personalization Plugins. A list of plugins is displayed:

  3. To add a plugin:

    1. Click Add at the bottom left of the plugin page.

    2. Import the new plugin using the Choose file button.

    3. Click Ok to validate.

  4. To delete a plugin:

    1. In the Actions column, click .

    2. Confirm to delete the plugin.

  5. To upgrade a plugin:

    1. In the Actions column, click .

    2. Select the plugin using the Choose file button.

    3. Click Ok to validate.